Oh food, my first love. One may say that I'm obsessed, and they would be right. I've eaten my way through the Caribbean, Bahamas, Puerto Rico, Spain, Mexico, Canada, and many more places, but you get the idea. Going out to a restaurant? Oh you bet your ass I already looked at the menu and know exactly what I'm going to order. I wake up in the morning thinking about what I will eat all day. Maybe I should talk to my therapist about this... But anyhoo, this just means that I am super passionate and excited to share my love of food with you all. Jessie Spano excited. 

I am a foodie through and through...

In 2003 I got my first restaurant job (hey CPK) and essentially never left the food world since. I always worked in restaurants as I bounced around living in SoCal, then St. Thomas, USVI then back to SoCal, then Portland, then back to SoCal (did I lose you yet?) before ending my waitressing career on floating restaurants, aka Yachting. 

In 2010 I left Southern California and moved to Florida to find a job as a Yacht Stewardess. What is a yacht stew you ask? Well, think of it as being a waitress for a table that won't leave. They spend the week with you and not only do you serve them all their meals and drinks, but you also have to wash their underwear and scrub their toilets. Sound fun?

Over my 7 year career I moved up from stewardess to self-taught chef and loved every minute of it. When I got married in 2016 I left that world behind to become a wife and mom, but cooking was still one of my loves. so here we are.

I currently live in SoCal with my husband, toddlers and a yappy Chihuahua. Come to think of it, the toddlers are pretty yappy too. I'm on a huge personal development journey. I love all things journaling, manifestation and meditation. You can also find me ears deep in entrepreneur and business podcasts. And, not to scare you away, but I'm slightly obsessed with true crime and I may or may not be in tons of Facebook sleuthing groups solving murders. Just call me Mrs. Sherlock Holmes.

Thank you for coming along on this journey with me. Cheers!.

my story

Food is the way to my heart.

but let me clarify and say carnivore food is the way to my heart. follow along as i share easy carnivore + keto friendly meal ideas,  my best meal planning + prep ideas, and what i eat on my carnivore journey

fun facts about me


I am a Human Design 4/6 Splenic Projector. When I'm not in the kitchen you can catch me napping or bitterly waiting for an invitation. IYKYK. 


I am also a licensed Cosmetologist. When I lived in the USVI I worked at a resort salon and did hair and wedding makeup for destination weddings.


I met my husband through a mutual friend. He was hilarious and weird. One of the first things he asked me was if I had ever seen a baby pigeon. WTF? But I hadn't. And you know what? You probably haven't either.


I have played soccer my whole life. It's been a few years since I played last, but I'm thinking of joining adult pickup games again. Maybe. Please don't hold me accountable.


I lived on the Caribbean island St. Thomas, USVI for a couple years. It was the craziest and most fun time I have ever had. The stories I could tell would blow your effing mind. 

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